
Comments for Canine Spleen Cancer - Bubba's Story

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Jul 28, 2010
I know how you feel
by: Carol

I found out yesterday that my English Setter has cancer and I am filled with guilt because I wonder if I waited too long to take her in to be checked. She had lumps, big ones, on her stomach and on her sides. Her vet said they were just fatty bumps. He retired and about six months later the new vet tells me she has cancer. He removed what he could and she is doing great. When the day comes that she shows any discomfort at all I will make sure she doesn't suffer. She has been a wonderful dog and I love her too much to see her live in pain.

Dec 21, 2009
You did the right thing!
by: Jane

You did the right thing for Bubba. Your unselfish
act gave him peace without pain. I never got the chance to meet Bubba, but I do know the joy he brought to you. This is such a helpful page.

I never new that dogs suffered from so many cancers.
Thanks for sharing your story with all of us. And know that Bubba is in heaven and watching down on you. Someday you will meet again!

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