
Treating Dog Fluke

by Nancy Wilson
(Arcadia Fl)

It is confirmed yesterday that our Golden Retriever Laker has Fluke. The Vet is treating him with Drontal Plus 68.0mg, 2.5 tablets by mouth yesterday and not to be repeated until 3 weeks, the same dose, 2.5 tablets.

Is this the best treatment? Our Golden has been off food for over 5 weeks. We did a full blood count and only the liver count was up to 134. Would this be because of the Fluke? We have another Golden, Bailey who has Lymphoma and is going through IV Chemo for the past 5 months, which will be indefinitely.

Can you shed some light on our Laker and Fluke and what is the best treatment?

Nancy Wilson

Vet Suggestion for Treating Dog Fluke

Hi Nancy,

When you say “fluke” I can’t be sure whether or you are talking about liver flukes, salmon poisoning, or some other disease caused by this class of parasites. Whatever the case, as long as your dog’s condition begins to improve with treatment, he should be fine with the regimen you describe.

The medication that is contained in Drontal Plus (praziquantal) is active against most of these parasites. Fenbendazole is another option.


Jennifer Coates, DVM

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Feb 07, 2017
by: Anonymous

It is critically important to ascertain the genus and species of the parasite - as flukes, or such parasites generalized in that cate. may exhibit zoonosis (disease transmitted from animals to humans) or intermediate as a vector or reverse zoonosis or anthroponosis. This is critical.

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